Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Promise To You

Upholstery Supply USA wants you to be 100% satisfied with the products you order and the service you receive.  We highly recommend that you order a sample of a material before ordering yardage, to ensure that you will get exactly what you are expecting.  Material samples are available for all materials that we sell.

If you have a problem with any product you order from us, please contact us immediately so that we can make things right for you.  If we have made a mistake, we will correct that mistake at no cost to you.  If your order is lost or damaged en route to you, please contact us immediately so that we can get that resolved for you as quickly as possible.

If you need to return an item for any reason, please contact us within 30 days of receipt of your item so that we can authorize a return for you.  Please note that once a product becomes washed, cut, altered, or used in any way, it is not eligible for a return.  Please be sure to contact us so that we can resolve any problems before you wash, cut, alter, or use your product, because we want to take great care of you.